You are important!
Visit us to learn more about how your sins can be forgiven by God, and how much He cares for you.
Everyone is welcome here.
Meeting Times
We gather to study, pray, and worship at the times listed below.
9:30 - 10:15 am - Bible Study
10:30 - 11:30 am - Worship
7:00 - 8:00 am - Men's Prayer Group
10:00 - 11:00 am - Ladies' Bible Study
7:00 - 8:00 pm - Bible Study
See our calendar for special events.
Our Location
​Downtown Valdosta, across from City Hall and Unity Park, facing Central Avenue.
304 East Central Avenue, Valdosta, Georgia, 31601
Parking lots are located on both the east and west sides of the building. You may also park on Central Avenue in front of the building. In case of rain, the east parking lot has a covered drive-through.
Bible Study Classes
We love to study the Bible! It is the best guidebook for everyday life. Study with us and learn more about God's will for you.
Classes are available for all ages, from infant through adult.
Infants through Age 2
Sunday and Wednesday
Babies and toddler-age children are always welcome! Our age-based infant, 18-month old, and 2 year-old classes are the perfect place for them to begin to learn about God's love and the wonders of His creation! Singing and other activities keep them interested and happy during their time in class.

Faith Avenue
Age 3 through 5th Grade
Faith Avenue is located upstairs in the Central Avenue building. It is a Bible-based streetscape lined with five different 'shops' including a movie theatre, cafe, museum, craft shop, and game room. Each shop is a classroom where learning activities correlate to the shop's theme. For example, the theatre shows movies or lets kids act out the lesson.
To begin Bible study, children meet in Central Park, at the heart of the classroom area. After a few minutes of singing and a short lesson, they are grouped by age and go to a different 'shop' each week. Every five weeks, a new subject and shop rotation begins. Children enjoy learning in such a fun and interesting environment!
Wednesday night Bible study reinforces the lesson from Sunday morning.
Your kids will love Faith Avenue!

The Lighthouse
Middle School and High School
'The Lighthouse' is a specially-designed area just for teens. It has a nautical theme and includes classrooms, a theatre, kitchen, games, and a seating area for visitation and teaching. It is located upstairs in the connected Lee Street building.
The teen youth group participates in a variety of events including devotionals, service projects, area-wide events, youth rallies, lock-ins, and weekly Bible study. Our aim is for teens to develop a strong, personal relationship with God while growing in Biblical knowledge and faith.
All middle school and high school aged kids are invited to join us for study, fun, and fellowship!

Adult and College-Age
Sunday and Wednesday
A variety of classes are available to all adults and college-age students. Class topics and teachers vary throughout the year. All study is Bible-based, with the intent of helping you to grow spiritually. Currently, adult classes are held in the Central Avenue building's large auditorium, small auditorium, annex classrooms, and the glassed-in area connecting the Central Avenue and Lee Street building.